The walking dead season two video game pics
The walking dead season two video game pics

But it’s that they really decided that this was a character that had a real traumatic, tragic legacy going on, and the fact that they flashed back to that. “When Alpha (Samantha Morton) died, you saw this play out, you see the bad guy get it. “I was really touched that they decided to give the character that much emotional leverage on the show,” says Hurst, talking about Beta’s very last moments. Over his years on the show, Hurt’s input on the character led to Beta being a famous musician rather than a famous athlete as per Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard’s comics, not to mention the final way in which he died. Whether driven mad by his own fame before the apocalypse or driven mad by the apocalypse itself, Beta represented the idea of a very public person reclaiming their privacy - with horrible consequences for so many in his path. In Beta, Hurst played one of the only celebrities ever encountered in the world of The Walking Dead. (File that sentence away in the “things that only make sense in a Walking Dead context” drawer.) It mostly required CGI and blood effects it was the energy behind Beta’s death that spoke most to Hurst. The face-stabbing wasn’t much to write home about for the actor. “So I pitched this idea of him being ripped and torn apart and just finally, genuinely surrendering to that. “I felt like if there was anybody that could welcome death in a very organic way to the character, it would be Beta,” says Hurst, who suggested the “silent, peaceful death” quality seen in Beta’s art-house exit. A kill move enough on its own, the stabbing is followed by something even more visceral: Beta falling back among the herd, getting ripped to shreds while thinking back on all the circumstances leading him to his death. While he has Beta’s attention, Daryl sneaks in and stabs the man in the eyes with his knives. The “alley-oop” comes in the form of Negan luring Beta into furiously charging away from the rest of the walker herd. And it’s also telling us a little bit about where Daryl and Nagan have gotten to after being in pretty strong conflict not long before this.” And we felt like, ‘Okay, well, how does that work exactly?’ It’s kind of in some ways like when you’ve got a trio, that can be tricky, but we felt like it should kind of be like one of these men alley-ooping the other. “And we felt like, ‘Okay, who are the people that are involved in this?’ So obviously Daryl had tangled with Beta in a major way and Negan had tangled with Beta.

the walking dead season two video game pics the walking dead season two video game pics

“From the beginning we knew that we wanted to have a cool, epic Beta leading the herd as this sort of split-face Alpha Beta monster,” says showrunner Angela Kang. Robert Kirkman's 'Walking Dead' Profits Case Dealt Crushing Blow

The walking dead season two video game pics