Worst exchange rate of February 2020: 0.0139, Best exchange rate of February 2020: 0.0141, Average exchange rate in February 2020: 0.014 CONVERTIBLE CURRENCIES WITH BANGKO SENTRAL: 1 UNITED STATES, DOLLAR, USD, 0.959877, 1.000000, 53.2730. will be largely dependent on the current interest rate environment. Worst exchange rate of January 2020: 0.0139, Best exchange rate of January 2020: 0.0141, Average exchange rate in January 2020: 0.014 Although the fund invests primarily in short-term U.S. Switch to the accessible table representation. An interactive data visualization follows.

Indian Rupee to US Dollar Monthly Exchange Rates Exchange rates Total, National currency units/US dollar, 2000 20212000 2021Source: PPPs and exchange rates. (NASDAQ: CDK) today announced financial results for its fiscal 2021 third quarter ended March 31, 2021. Converting Indian Rupee (INR) to US Dollar (USD) in 2020 with the best, worst and average exchange rates of the year Table of 1 Indian Rupee to US Dollar Exchange Rate: This report provides exchange rate information under Section 613 of Public Law 87-195 dated Septem( (b)) which gives the Secretary of the Treasury sole authority to establish the exchange rates for all foreign currencies or credits reported by all agencies of the government. Largest Site Increase Since 2016 Announces Repurchase ProgramHOFFMAN ESTATES, Ill., (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - CDK Global, Inc.